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Criticism on James Shirley

Criticism on James Shirley

A Selective Bibliography

by Barbara Ravelhofer

State: Feb. 2015

This bibliography is selective. It should be read alongside Ruth Zimmer’s James Shirley: A Reference Guide (Boston: Hall, 1980) and Kim H. Noling’s ‘Recent Studies in James Shirley’, ELR, 37/3 (2007), 450-65. I also recommend the annual Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 springtime review articles which summarize publications on Tudor and Stuart literature.

Readers are encouraged to suggest additions and corrections. I would be particularly interested in learning about non-English language criticism, especially in Romance languages, as Shirley’s drama sometimes built on Italian and Spanish sources.

My thanks to Emma Miller and Katherine Heavey for helping to compile the bibliography.

Specimens of the Elizabethan Drama from Lyly to Shirley, A.D. 1580 – A.D. 1642. By W. H. Williams, M.A. (Oxford, Clarendon Press.)’, Notes & Queries, s.10-3 (75) (1905), 439. Anonymous review and discussion of pre-1642 dramatic canon.
Adams, Joseph Quincy, ‘Hill’s List of Early Plays in Manuscript’, Library, 20 (1939-40), 71-99
Anselment, Raymond A., ‘Clarendon and the Caroline Myth of Peace’, Journal of British Studies, 23/2 (1984), 37-54
Ardila, J. A. G., The Cervantean Heritage: Reception and Influence of Cervantes in Britain (London: Legenda, 2009)
Aronstein, Philipp, ‘Arthur Nason’s James Shirley’, Anglia, 31 (1920), 77-82
Aronstein, Philipp, ‘Das nationale Erlebnis im englischen Renaissancedrama’, Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 55 (1919), 86-128
Astington, John, ‘Dramatic Extracts in the Interregnum’, Review of English Studies, 54/217 (2003), 601-14. Extracts from Shirley’s plays in Cotgrave’s Wit’s Interpreter (1655) and drolls.
Auberlen, Eckhard, ‘Mediation, Repression or Conquest? Discourses of Peacemaking in Tudor and Stuart Court Entertainments’, in Proceedings of the Anglistentag Mainz 1999, ed. Bernhard Reitz, Sigrid Rieuwertz (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2000), 199-212
Bahlsen, L., ‘Spanische Quellen der dramatischen Litteratur, besonders Englands zu Shakespeares Zeit’, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Literaturgeschichte, 6 (1893), 151-59
Bailey, R., ‘Queen Henrietta Maria, the “Old Faith” and “Her Majesties Servants”: Roman Catholicism and Caroline Drama’ (PhD, London: Birkbeck, 2003)
Bailey, Rebecca, Staging the Old Faith: Queen Henrietta Maria and the Theatre of Caroline England, 1625-1642 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009)
Bas, G, ‘James Shirley (1596-1666): Dramaturge caroléen (PhD, [Lille:] Service de reproduction des thèses, Université de Lille III, 1973)
Bas, G., ‘Lucow, Ben. James Shirley’, Études Anglaises, 38/4 (1985), 457-58
Bas, G., ‘R. K. Zimmer, James Shirley: A Reference Guide’, Études Anglaises, 38/4 (1985), 456-57
Bas, Georges, ‘Gerber, Richard. James Shirley, Dramatiker der Dekadenz’, Études Anglaises, 13 (1960), 474-75
Bas, Georges, ‘James Shirley et “Th’Untun’d Kennell”: Une petite guerre des théâtres vers 1630’, Études Anglaises, 16 (1963), 11-22
Bas, Georges, ‘James Shirley, pasteur dans le Hertfordshire’, Études Anglaises, 15 (1962), 266-68
Bas, Georges, ‘More about the Anonymous Tragedy of The Cruell Warre and James Shirley’s The Triumph of Peace’, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 17 (1980), 43-57
Bas, Georges, ‘Thomas Zouch’s Life of Walton and the Alleged Friendship between James Shirley and Izaac Walton’, Notes & Queries, 222 (1977), 125-26
Bas, Georges, ‘Titre, thèmes et structure dans The Lady of Pleasure de James Shirley’, in Hommage à Emile Gasquet (1920-1977), ed. P. Marambaud, Belles Lettres, 34 (Paris: Annales de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nice, 1978), 97-107
Bas, Georges, ‘Two Misrepresented Biographical Documents Concerning James Shirley’, Review of English Studies, 27/107 (1976), 303-10
Baskervill, Charles R., ‘The Source of the Main Plot of Love Tricks’, Modern Language Notes, 24 (1909), 100-1
Baugh, Albert C., ‘Further Facts about James Shirley’, Review of English Studies, 7/25 (1931), 62-66
Baugh, Albert C., ‘Some New Facts about James Shirley’, Modern Language Review, 17 (1922), 228-35
Bawcutt, N. W., ‘The Assassination of Alessandro de’ Medici in Early Seventeenth-Century English Drama’, Review of English Studies, n. s., 56/225 (2005), 412-23
Beal, Peter, ‘Massinger at Bay: Unpublished Verse in a War of the Theatres’, Yearbook of English Studies, 10 (1980), 190-203. Massinger, Shirley and the Caroline war of the theatres.
Beier, A. L., Masterless Men: The Vagrancy Problem in England 1560-1640 (London: Methuen, 1985). The Sisters.
Belsey, Catherine, ‘Tragedy, Justice and the Subject’, in 1642: Literature and Power in the Seventeenth Century, ed. F. Barker, J. Bernstein et al. (Colchester: University of Essex, 1981), 166-86. The Cardinal.
Bennett, Alexandra G., ‘Hero Chalmers, Julie Sanders, and Sophie Tomlinson (eds), Three Seventeenth-Century Plays on Women and Performance’, Notes & Queries, 54/3 (2007), 344-46. Review article. The Bird in a Cage.
Bensly, Edward, ‘Mors sceptra ligonibus aequat’, Notes & Queries, s.10-12 (1909), 494. Shirley’s ‘Dirge’.
Bentley, Gerald Eades, ‘James Shirley and a Group of Unnoted Poems on the Wedding of Thomas Stanley’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 2 (1939), 219-31
Bergeron, David M., Textual Patronage in English Drama, 1570-1640 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006). Ch. 8 on textual patronage in the 1630s looks at prefaces to readers, with much reference to Shirley.
Bertheau, Gilles, ‘Le prérogative royale comme enjeu du système judiciaire dans The Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France (1639) de George Chapman et James Shirley’, GRAAT: Groupe de Recherches Anglo-Américaines de Tours, 7 (2010), 78-96
Bitot, Michel, ‘Alteration in a Commonwealth: Disturbing Voices in Caroline Drama’, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 47 (1995), 79-85
Black, Forrest Edward Jr., ‘The Nature of Evil in the Tragedies of James Shirley’ (PhD, Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University, 1975)
Bland, D. S., ‘A Word in Shirley’s The Cardinal’, Review of English Studies, 4/16 (1953), 358-59
Bowers, Fredson, ‘Problems in Thomas Randolph’s “The Drinking Academy’’’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 1 (1938), 189-98. On The Traitor and The Young Admiral.
Breen, M., ‘James Shirley, Dramatist’ (MA, Dublin: National University of Ireland, 1936)
Britland, Karen, ‘Queen Henrietta Maria’s Theatrical Patronage’, in Henrietta Maria: Piety, Politics and Patronage, ed. Erin Griffey (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), 57-72. Esp. The Young Admiral.
Britland, Karen, Drama at the Courts of Queen Henrietta Maria (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Bullen, G., ‘James Shirley in 1648’, Athenaeum, 6 Sept (1879), 305. Discounts Wit’s Labyrinth as Shirley’s, and quite rightly so.
Burks, Deborah G., ‘‘This Sight Doth Shake All That Is Man within Me’: Sexual Violation and the Rhetoric of Dissent in The Cardinal’, Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 26/1 (1996), 153-90
Burner, Sandra A., James Shirley: A Study of Literary Coteries and Patronage in Seventeenth-Century England (Lanham: University Presses of America, 1988)
Butler, Aaron Bracken, ‘Glass Perspectives: Optics and Virtue in English Renaissance Drama’ (PhD, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 2000). Esp. The Lady of Pleasure and The Cardinal.
Butler, Martin, ‘Politics and the Masque: The Triumph of Peace’, The Seventeenth Century, 2/2 (1987), 117-41
Butler, Martin, The Stuart Court Masque and Political Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008). The Triumph of Peace.
Butler, Martin, Theatre and Crisis: 1632-1642 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984). 1630s Shirley.
Cameron, Joanna M., ‘Centlivre, Not Shirley: Correcting an Error in Joseph Wood Krutch’s Comedy and Conscience after the Restoration’, Notes & Queries, 43/3 (1996), 292-96
Cannon, G., ‘Turkish and Persian Loans in English Literature’, Neophilologus, 84/2 (2000), 285-307
Carroll, William C., Fat King, Lean Beggar: Representations of Poverty in the Age of Shakespeare (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1996). The Sisters.
Carter, Albert Howard, ‘Shirley’s Return to London in 1639-40’, Modern Language Notes, 58/3 (1943), 196-97
Catenaccio, Paola, ‘From Bed to Worse: Eroticized Politics on the Caroline Stage’, Textus, 17 (2004), 291-308. The Traitor.
Chapman, Edgar Leon, ‘The Comic Art of James Shirley: A Modern Evaluation of His Comedies’ (PhD, Providence: Brown University, 1964/1965)
Clark, Ira, ‘Shirley, James (bap. 1596, d. 1666), Playwright and Poet’, ODNB (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), <>
Clark, Ira, Professional Playwrights: Massinger, Ford, Shirley & Brome (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1992)
Clark, William Smith, The Early Irish Stage: The Beginnings to 1720 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955)
Clark, William S., ‘The Relation of Shirley’s Prologue to Orrery’s The Generall’, Review of English Studies, 6/22 (1930), 191-93
Clucas, Stephen, ed., A Princely Brave Woman: Essays on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003). Contributions refer to The Bird in a Cage, The Lady of Pleasure, and The Maid’s Revenge.
Cogan, Nathan Franklin, ‘Libertine Code in James Shirley’s London Comedies – Study of Comic Form’, Albion, 8/2 (1976), 193
Cogan, Nathan Franklin, ‘The London Comedies of James Shirley, 1626-1635: The Dramatic Context of The Lady of Pleasure’ (PhD, Berkeley: University of California, 1972)
Cogan, Nathan, ‘James Shirley’s The Example (1634): Some Reconsiderations’, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 17/2 (1977), 317-31
Collester, Clinton H., ‘Narcissus Plays Distinguished’, Modern Language Notes, 20 (1905), 134-38. Narcissus.
Collins, Eleanor, ‘Changing Fashions: Tragicomedy, Romance and Heroic Women in the 1630s Hall-Playhouses’, in Moving Shakespeare Indoors: Performance and Repertoire in the Jacobean Playhouse, ed. A. Gurr and F. Karim-Cooper (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 217-36
Collins, Eleanor, ‘Theatre Reviewing in Post-Consensus Society: Performance, Print and the Blogosphere’, Shakespeare, 6/3 (2010), 330-36
Cousins, Kathryn McCambridge, ‘The Role of the Narrative in James Shirley’s Tragicomedies’ (PhD, New York: Fordham University, 1969)
Crawley, Derek, ‘The Effect of Shirley’s Hand on Chapman’s The Tragedy of Chabot Admiral of France’, Studies in Philology, 63 (1966), 677-96
Crinò, Anna Maria, James Shirley drammaturgo di corte (Verona: Ghidini e Fiorini, 1968). A familiar history of Shirley’s life and works.
Cunningham, John Patrick, ‘Un-Masquing English Opera: Locke and Shirley’s Cupid and Death’ (MA diss., University College Dublin, 2001)
Cutts, John, ‘Original Music for Two Caroline Plays – Richard Brome’s The English Moore; Or The Mock-Mariage and James Shirley’s The Gentlemen of Venice’, Notes & Queries, 33/1 (1986), 21-25
D., W., ‘Gladstone, Shirley, G. Herbert’, Notes & Queries, s.3-2 (32) (1862), 103-4. Shirley’s ‘Dirge’.
Daemen-De Gelder, Katrien, and J. P. Vander Motten, ‘“The Times are Dangerous”: An Unnoticed Allusion to William Cavendish’s The Variety (1641-42)’, ANQ, 21/3 (2008), 35-40
Davison, Peter H., Popular Appeal in English Drama to 1850 (London: Macmillan, 1982). Antimasques in The Triumph of Peace.
de Groot, Jerome, ‘Coteries, Complications and the Question of Female Agency’, in The 1630s: Interdisciplinary Essays on Culture and Politics in the Caroline Era, ed. J. Sanders and I. Atherton (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006), 189-209. The Shirley circle.
DeBord, Beverly, ‘The Stage as Mirror of Society: The Widow in Two Seventeenth-Century Comedies’, Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia Selected Papers, 10 (1985), 71-78
Denman, Jason, ‘The Influence of Shirley’s The Coronation on Marriage A-la-Mode’, Notes & Queries, 58/3 (2011), 386-88
DiGangi, Mario, Sexual Types: Embodiment, Agency, and Dramatic Character from Shakespeare to Shirley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011)
Dix, Robin, and Trudi Laura Darby, ‘The Bibliographical Significance of the Turned Letter’, Studies in Bibliography, 46 (1993), 263-70. Changes.
Dundas, Judith, ‘The Masks of Cupid and Death’, Comparative Drama, 29 (1995), 38-60
Dutton, Richard, ‘The St. Werburgh Street Theater, Dublin’, in Localizing Caroline Drama: Politics and Economics of the Early Modern English Stage, 1625-1642, ed. A. Zucker and A. B. Farmer (New York: Palgrave, 2006), 129-55
Dyson, Jessica, Staging Authority in Caroline England: Prerogative, Law and Order in Drama, 1625-1642 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013). Massinger, Ford, Shirley, Brome, and Jonson.
E., St., ‘Shirley’s Dirge’, Notes & Queries, s.3-8 (200) (1865), 354
Eber, Janet Emily, ‘The Epithalamion in the Late English Renaissance’ (PhD, Madison: Drew University, 1981). Shirley is said to stress the conventional themes of union and procreation.
Eckert, Kurt, Die dramatische Behandlung der Ermordung des Herzogs Alessandro de’ Medici durch seinen Vetter Lorenzino in der englischen Literatur (PhD, Königsberg: University of Königsberg, 1907)
Elliott, John R. Jr., ‘The Folger Manuscript of The Triumph of Peace Procession’, English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700, 3 (1992), 193-215
Ellis, Bronwyn, ‘“Victorious Men of Earth”: Political Aspects of James Shirley’s Cupid and Death’, Language and History, 52/1 (2009), 96-118
Engel, Wilson F., ‘William Wilson, Printer of Five Plays by James Shirley’, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 72 (1978), 88-89
Enos, Richard Leo, and Tony M. Lentz, ‘A Bibliographical Guide to English Linguistics: 1500-1800’, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 6/4 (1976), 68-79. Shirley’s grammars.
Epperly, Elizabeth, ‘Trollope’s Notes on Drama’, Notes & Queries, 31/4 (1984), 491-97. Shirley’s plays read by Trollope.
Esche, Edward, ‘Stages to Pages: The Four Quartos of Shirley’s The Constant Maid’, Trans: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, 16 (2006), <>
Ewing, S. B., ‘Burton, Ford, and Andromana’, PMLA, 54/4 (1939), 1007-17. Andromana not Shirley’s.
Farmer, Alan, and Adam Zucker, eds, Localizing Caroline Drama: Politics and Economics of the Early Modern Stage 1625-1642 (New York: Palgrave, 2006)
Fehrenbach, Robert J., ‘The Printing of James Shirley’s The Polititian (1655)’, Studies in Bibliography, 24 (1971), 144-48
Feil, J. P., ‘James Shirley’s Years of Service’, Review of English Studies, 8/32 (1957), 413-16
Findlay, Alison, A Feminist Perspective on Renaissance Drama (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999). The Maid’s Revenge.
Fletcher, Alan, Drama, Performance, and Polity in Pre-Cromwellian Ireland (Cork and Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000). St Patrick for Ireland.
Forker, Charles R., ‘Archbishop Laud and Shirley’s The Cardinal’, Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, 47 (1958), 241-51
Forker, Charles R., ‘Shirley’s The Cardinal: Some Problems and Cruces’, Notes & Queries, 6/6 (1959), 232-33
Forsythe, Robert Stanley, The Relations of Shirley’s Plays to the Elizabethan Drama (New York: Columbia University Press, 1914)
Fricker, Robert, Das Ältere Englische Schauspiel (Bern: Francke, 1975)
Fröhlich, Karl, Quellenstudien zu einigen Dramen James Shirley’s (Herford: Heidemann, 1913)
Fuzier, J., ‘Gentleman of Venice, by James Shirley – W. F. Engel’, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 11 (1977), 89-90
Gaby, Rosemary, ‘Of Vagabonds and Commonwealths: Beggars’ Bush, A Jovial Crew, and The Sisters’, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 34/2 (1994), 401-24
García, Luciano, ‘A Caroline View of Spaniards and Portuguese on the Stage: The Dramatic Representation of Iberia in James Shirley (1596-1666), Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 54 (2007), 37-53
García, Luciano, ‘The Motif of the Reluctance to See the King in Lope de Vega’s El villano en su rincón and James Shirley’s The Royal Master’, Review of English Studies, 54/215 (2003), 365-85
Gerber, Richard, ‘Shirleys Komödiendialog und die Welt am Hyde Park’, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 95 (1959), 98-111
Gerber, Richard, James Shirley, Dramatiker der Dekadenz (Bern: Francke, 1952)
Graham, Elspeth, ‘Reading, Writing, and Riding Horses in Early Modern England: James Shirley’s Hyde Park (1632) and Gervase Markham’s Cavelarice (1607)’, in Renaissance Beasts, ed. Erica Fudge (Champaign: University Press of Illinois, 2004), 116-37
Grant, Teresa, ‘Smells Like Team Spirit: Seneca and the Shirley-Stanley Circle’, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 40/1 (2013), 34-51
Greg, W. W., ‘The Triumph of Peace: A Bibliographer’s Nightmare’, The Library, 5th s., 1/2 (1946), 113-26
Gregory, George MacKendrick, Two Studies in James Shirley. I. Shirley’s Authorship of ‘The Traytor’. II. Shirley’s Headmastership of the Free Grammar School of St. Albans [] A Digest of Matter Selected from a Dissertation, etc. (Durham: Duke University, 1935)
Griffith, Eva, ‘“’Til the State Fangs Catch You.” James Shirley the Catholic: Why It Does Not Matter (and Why It Really Does)’, Times Literary Supplement (2 April 2010), 14-15
Griffith, Eva, ‘A Prompt Book Copy of St Patrick for Ireland at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France’, Études Épistémè, 17 (2010), 131-33
Griffith, Eva, ‘James Shirley and the Earl of Kildare: Speculating Playhouses and Dwarves à la Mode’, in Dublin and the Pale in the Renaissance, c.1540-1660, ed. Thomas Herron and Michael Petterton (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011), 352-71
Gurr, Andrew, ‘Orbison, Tucker; Gossett, Suzanne (eds). The Middle Temple Documents Relating to George Chapman’s The Memorable Masque and James Shirley’s The Triumph of Peace, ed. by Tucker Orbison; Blame Not our Author, ed. by Suzanne Gossett. Oxford: OUP for the Malone Soc., 1983. (Collections, 12)’, Yearbook of English Studies, 17 (1987), 261-63
Hall, James, ‘Mors sceptra ligonibus aequat’, Notes & Queries, s.10-12 (1909), 494. Shirley’s ‘Dirge’.
Harbage, Alfred, Cavalier Drama: An Historical and Critical Supplement to the Study of the Elizabethan and Restoration Stage (New York: Russell & Russell, 1964). Shirley’s plays and entertainments.
Harbage, Alfred, ‘Shirley’s The Wedding and the Marriage of Sir Kenelm Digby’, Philologial Quarterly, 16 (1937), 35-40
Harbage, Alfred, ‘The Authorship of the Dramatic Arcadia’, Modern Philology, 35/3 (1938), 233-37. Believes the play to be too underpowered to be Shirley’s.
Harris, B. A., ‘James Shirley’s Caroline Plays’ (MA, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1951-1952)
Heavey, Katherine, ‘A New Way to Please You: Helen of Troy in Early Modern Comedy’, Renaissance Studies, 28/3 (2012), 426-42
Heavey, Katherine, ‘Performing ‘in the Likeness of a Petticoat’: Playing Helen of Troy and Medea in the Drama of James Shirley’, Postgraduate English: A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English, 19 (2009), 1-22 <>
Hoare, L. E., ‘Dialectical Negotiations: The Growth and Decline of the Jonsonian Antimasque’ (PhD, Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, 1995). Examines how Shirley draws on the Jonsonian antimasque.
Hodson, Richard J., ‘Caroline Town Comedy 1628-1642’ (PhD, York: University of York, 2000)
Hogan, A. P., ‘Thematic Analysis of The Cardinal: A New Perspective on Shirley’, Yearbook of English Studies, 5 (1975), 75-85
Hogan, Patrick G. Jr., ‘The Arcadia: From Sidney’s Prose to Shirley’s Drama’, Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 12 (1986), 36-45
Holdsworth, R. V., ‘Early References to Plays by Jonson, Shirley, and Others’, Notes & Queries, 222 (1977), 208-9
Honigmann, E. A. J., ‘Gerber, Richard. James Shirley, Dramatiker der Dekadenz’, Modern Language Review, 49 (1953-54), 113
Hopkins, L., ‘Staging the Medici: The Medici Family in English Renaissance Drama, c.1590 – c.1640’, Sun Yat-Sen Journal of Humanities, 28 (2010), 63-74. The Traitor.
Hopkins, Lisa, Drama and the Succession to the Crown, 1561-1633 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011)
Howard, Jean E., Theater of a City: The Places of London Comedy, 1598-1642 (Philadelphia: University Press of Pennsylvania, 2007). Shirley’s city comedies.
Howarth, R. G., ‘A Manuscript of James Shirley’s Court Secret’, Review of English Studies, 8/30 (1932), 203
Howarth, R. G., ‘A Manuscript of James Shirley’s Court Secret’, Review of English Studies, 7/27 (1931), 302-13
Howarth, R. G., ‘Prowett’s Edition of the Life of Walton’, Notes & Queries, 198 (1953), 339-40. Shirley and Walton.
Howarth, R. G., ‘Some Unpublished Poems of James Shirley’, Review of English Studies, 9/33 (1933), 24-29
Hoy, Cyrus, ‘The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (IV)’, Studies in Bibliography, 12 (1959), 109-10
Hoy, Cyrus, ‘The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (VI)’, Studies in Bibliography, 14 (1961), 61-63
Hoy, Cyrus, ‘The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (VII)’, Studies in Bibliography, 15 (1962), 71-90
Huberman, E., ‘Bibliographical Note on James Shirley’s The Polititian’, The Library, 18 (1937), 104-8
Huebert, Ronald, ‘The Staging of Shirley’s The Lady of Pleasure’, in The Elizabethan Theatre IX: Papers Given at the Ninth International Conference on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo in 1981, ed. G. R. Hibbard (Port Credit: Meany, [1986]), 41-59
Jackson, MacDonald P., ‘John Webster, James Shirley, and the Melbourne Manuscript’, Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 19 (2006), 21-44
Jacquot, Jean, ‘English Political Dialogues 1641-1651: A Suggestion for Research, with a Critical Edition of The Tragedy of the Cruell Warre, 1643’, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 14 (1978), 49-68. The Triumph of Peace.
Jacquot, Jean, ‘Une Parodie du Triumph of Peace, masque de James Shirley: Note sur l’edition, par J. Fuzier, de The Tragedy of the Cruell Warre’, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 15 (1979), 77-80
Jowett, John, ‘Middleton’s No Wit at the Fortune’, Renaissance Drama, 22 (1991), 191-208. Shirley’s revision of Middleton’s The Almanack/No Wit.
Kalmar, Elaine Bush, aka Kalmar, Elaine Joyce, ‘Misery of Birth and State: Essays on the Tragedies of James Shirley’ (PhD, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1971/72)
Keller, James R., ‘James Shirley’s The Politician and the Demand for Responsible Government in the Court of Charles I’, Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, 18 (1997), 179-99.
Kerrigan, John, Archipelagic English: Literature, History, and Politics, 1603-1707 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). St Patrick for Ireland.
Kewes, Paulina, ‘“Give Me the Sociable Pocket-Books”: Humphrey Moseley’s Serial Publication of Octavo Play Collections’, Publishing History, 38 (1995), 5-21. Shirley’s publisher.
King, T. J., ‘Shirley’s Coronation and Love Will Find Out the Way: Erroneous Title-Pages’, Studies in Bibliography, 18 (1965), 265-69
King, T. J., ‘Staging of Plays at the Phoenix in Drury Lane, 1617-42’, Theatre Notebook, 19/4 (1965), 146-66
Kirsch, Arthur C., ‘A Caroline Commentary on the Drama’, Modern Philology, 66/3 (1969), 256-61. Transcription of Abraham Wright’s notes on plays by Shirley and others, c.1640, BL MS Add. 22608.
Kong, Sung-Uk, ‘Dramatic Role of ‘Cardinal the Character’ in James Shirley’s The Cardinal’, Shakespeare Review, 29 (1996), 23-39. Korean. See Noling.
L., B. H., ‘Furnival’s Inn’, Notes & Queries, s.9-2 (49) (1898), 441-44. Shirley’s son a butler.
Langhans, Edward E., ‘More Restoration Manuscript Casts and Dates and a New Restoration Promptbook’, Theatre Notebook, 32 (1978), 126-30
Langhans, Edward E., ‘The Restoration Promptbook of Shirley’s The Sisters’, Theater Annual, 14 (1956), 51-65
Lawless, Donald S., ‘A Further Note on Shirley’s Religion’, Notes & Queries, 222 (1977), 543
Lawless, Donald S., ‘Lucow, Ben. James Shirley’, Notes & Queries, 30/2 (1983), 167
Lawless, Donald S., ‘Shirley, J. (ed. E. M. Yearling), The Cardinal. […] Shirley, J. (ed. R. Huebert), The Lady of Pleasure’, Notes & Queries, 37/3 (1990), 347-48. Review article.
Lefkowitz, Murray, ‘The Longleat Papers of Bulstrode Whitelocke: New Light on Shirley’s Triumph of Peace’, JAMS, 18 (1965), 42-60
Leslie, R. W. C., ‘Comedy and the Counter-Reformation: An Examination of the Evolution of the Italian Non-Tragic Drama and Its Subsequent Effect on the English Theatre from Shakespeare to Shirley with Particular Emphasis on the Role of the Go-Between’ (PhD, Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 1994)
Levin, Richard, ‘“Measure beyond Measure” and The Gamester’, Renaissance News, 18/1 (1965), 1-3
Levin, Richard, ‘The Triple Plot of Hyde Park’, Modern Language Review, 62 (1967), 17-27
Levin, Richard, The Multiple Plot in English Renaissance Drama (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971). The Ball, Hyde Park, and The Lady of Pleasure are all noted for their triadic structure.
Limon, J., ‘Neglected Evidence for James Shirley’s The Triumph of Peace (1634)’, Records of Early English Drama Society Newsletter, 13/2 (1988), 2-9
Loftis, John, ‘English Renaissance Plays from the Spanish Comedia’, ELR, 14/2 (1984), 230-48
Love, Harold, ‘Shadwell, Flecknoe and the Duke of Newcastle: An Impetus for Mac Flecknoe’, Papers on Language and Literature, 21/1 (1985), 19-27
Lucow, Ben, James Shirley (Boston: Hall, 1981)
MacMullan, Hugh, ‘The Sources of Shirley’s St. Patrick for Ireland’, PMLA, 48/3 (1933), 806-14
Mahmoud, Ali Ahmad, ‘Rebellion and Repentance in James Shirley’s The Lady of Pleasure’, Arab Journal for the Humanities/al-Majallah al-’Arabiyah li-l-’Ulun al Insaniyah, 10/38 (1990), 399-416
Manley, Frank, ‘The Death of Hernando in Shirley’s Cardinal’, Notes & Queries, 12/9 (1965), 342-43
Martínez-Góngora, M., ‘El discurso africanista del Renacimiento en La primera parte de la descripción general de África de Luis del Mármol Carvajal’, Hispanic Review, 77/2 (2009), 171-195
Matveyeva, Anna Sergeyevna, ‘Olitsetvorenie smerti v angloyazychnoy poezii [Personification of death in English poetry]’, Izvestiya Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A. I. Gertsena, 114 (2009), 222-31. ‘The Glories of Our Blood and State’.
McConnell, Elizabeth M., ‘The Presentation of James Shirley’s St. Patrick for Ireland at the First Irish Playhouse’, Notes & Queries, 15/7 (1968), 268-69
McDowell, Nicholas, Poetry and Allegiance in the English Civil Wars: Marvell and the Cause of Wit (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008). Shirley’s poetry.
McGee, C. E., ‘Strangest Consequence from Remotest Cause’: The Second Performance of The Triumph of Peace’, Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 5 (1991), 309-42
McGrath, Juliet, ‘James Shirley’s Uses of Language’, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 6/2 (1966), 323-39
McKinnen, Dana G., ‘A Description of a Restoration Promptbook of Shirley’s The Ball’, Restoration and 18th-Century Theatre Research, 10/1 (1971), 25-28
McLuskie, Kathleen, ‘Caroline Professionals: Brome and Shirley’, in P. Edwards, G. E. Bentley, K. McLuskie and L. Potter, The Revels History of Drama in English. IV: 1613-1660 (London: Methuen, 1981), 237-58
McMullin, B. J., ‘James Shirley: A Reference Guide. By Ruth K. Zimmer’, Notes & Queries, 29/1 (1982), 78-79
McMullin, B. J., ‘Secrets of the Printed Page in the Age of Shakespeare: Bibliographical Studies in the Plays of Beaumont, Chapman, Dekker, Fletcher, Ford, Marston, Shakespeare, Shirley […] by Akihiro Yamada’, Library, 12/4 (2011), 427-28. Review article.
Milhous, Judith, and Robert D. Hume, ‘A 1660s Promptbook of Shirley’s Loves Crueltie’, Theatre Research International, 11/1 (1986), 1-13
Milhous, Judith, and Robert D. Hume, ‘Manuscript Casts for Revivals of Three Plays by Shirley in the 1660s’, Theatre Notebook, 39 (1985), 32-36
Minto, William, Characteristics of English Poets from Chaucer to Shirley (Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1874)
Morash, Chris, A History of Irish Theatre, 1601-2000 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002). Assumes Shirley’s Catholicism.
Morillo, Marvin, ‘“Frier Sherley”: James Shirley and Mercurius Britanicus’, Notes & Queries, 7/9 (1960), 338-39
Morillo, Marvin, ‘Shirley’s ‘Preferment’ and the Court of Charles I’, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 1/2 (1961), 101-17
Morton, R., ‘S. A. Burner, James Shirley: A Study of Literary Coteries and Patronage in 17th-Century England’, English Language Notes, 30/2 (1992), 81-84
Morton, Richard, ‘Deception and Social Dislocation: An Aspect of James Shirley’s Drama’, Renaissance Drama, 9 (1966), 227-45
Morton, Richard, ‘Zimmer, Ruth K., James Shirley: A Reference Guide’, Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography, 6 (1982), 32-36
Munro, Lucy, ‘Actors, Plays and Performances in the Indoor Playhouses, 1625-42: Boy Players, Leading Men and the Caroline Ensemble’, Yearbook of English Studies, 44 (2014), 51-68. Beeston’s Boys and Shirley’s Cockpit plays.
Munro, Lucy, ‘Dublin Tragicomedy and London Stages’, in Early Modern Tragicomedy, ed. R. Lyne and S. Mukherjee (Cambridge: Brewer, 2007), 175-92
Nason, Arthur Huntington, James Shirley Dramatist: A Biographical and Critical Study (New York: Blom, 1915)
Neilson, William Allan, ‘Ford and Shirley’, in The Cambridge History of English Literature: The Drama to 1642, Part Two, ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller, 15 vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1908), VII, 212-35
Nissen, P., James Shirley. Ein Beitrag zur englischen Litteraturgeschichte (Hamburg: Lütcke and Wulff, 1901)
Norbrook, David, ‘The Reformation of the Masque’, in The Court Masque, ed. David Lindley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984), 94-110. The Triumph of Peace.
Occhiogrosso, Frank V., Sovereign and Subject in Caroline Tragedy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969)
Ochester, Edwin F., ‘A Source for Shirley’s The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses’, Notes & Queries, 17/6 (1970), 217
Pannen, Imke, When the Bad Bleeds: Mantic Elements in English Renaissance Revenge Tragedy (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2010). The Maid’s Revenge.
Parker, Cynthia May, ‘Pastoral Drama, Masque, and Epic Romance: Studies in Non-Aristotelian Sources of Seventeenth-Century Opera’ (PhD, Bloomington: Indiana University, 1980). Cupid and Death.
Parker, Ian C., “Marvell’s “Crystal” Mirrour’, Notes & Queries, 56/2 (2009), 219-26
Parlin, Hanson T., A Study in Shirley’s Comedies of London Life (Austin: The University of Texas, 1914)
Parr, Anthony, ‘The Caroline Globe’, Yearbook of English Studies, 44 (2014), 12-28. The Globe’s clientele, the second war of the theatres, and Shirley.
Parry, G., ‘S. A. Burner, James Shirley: A Study of Literary Coteries and Patronage in 17th-Century England’, RES, 42/165 (1991), 111-12
Pastoor, Charles, ‘The Puritan Audience in Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair and Shirley’s The Bird in a Cage’, English Language Notes, 43/1 (2005), 1-12
Pasupathi, Vimala, ‘Arms and the Book: “Workes”, “Playes”, and “Warlike Accoutrements” in William Cavendish’s The Country Captain’, Philological Quarterly, 91/2 (2012), 277-303
Patella, Danae Rose, ‘Jacobean Women and the Comic Stage’ (PhD, Eugene: University of Oregon, 1978). Chapman, Jonson, and Shirley.
Pennel, Charles A., and William P. Williams (comps.), Elizabethan Bibliographies Supplements. 8: Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Philip Massinger, 1937-1965, John Ford, 1940-1965, James Shirley, 1945-1965 (London: Nether Press, 1968)
Potter, Lois, ‘The Triumph of Peace and The Cruel War: Masque and Parody’, Notes & Queries, 27/4 (1980), 345-48
Prescott, Anne Lake, ‘The Stuart Masque and Pantagruel’s Dreams’, ELH, 41 (1984), 407-30. The Triumph of Peace.
Princic, Walter Francis, ‘The Tragedies of James Shirley: A Study of Themes and Images’ PhD, Champaign: University of Illinois at Urbana, 1974)
Proudfoot, Richard, ‘A Jacobean Dramatic Fragment’, TLS (13 June 1986), 651. On the Melbourne MS.
Radtke, Stephen John, James Shirley: His Catholic Philosophy of Life (Phd, Washington: Catholic University of America, 1929)
Randall, Dale B., Winter Fruit: English Drama, 1642-1660 (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1995). Late Shirley.
Ravelhofer, Barbara, ‘Non-Verbal Meaning in Caroline Private Theatre: William Cavendish’s and James Shirley’s The Varietie (c.1641)’, The Seventeenth Century, 21/2 (2006), 195-214
Reed, Robert R., ‘James Shirley and the Sentimental Comedy’, Anglia, 73 (1955), 149-70
Rees, Christine, ‘Some Seventeenth-Century Versions of the Judgment of Paris’, Notes & Queries, 222 (1977), 197-200. The Triumph of Beauty.
Richards, Kenneth, ‘Satire and Values in James Shirley’s The Lady of Pleasure’, Acta Neophilologica, 13 (1980), 49-59
Rider, Philip R., ‘The Concurrent Printing of Shirley’s The Wittie Faire One and The Bird in a Cage’, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 71 (1977), 328-33
Riemer, A. P., ‘A Source for Shirley’s The Traitor’, Review of English Studies, 14/56 (1963), 380-83
Riemer, A. P., ‘A Study of the Life and Works of James Shirley’ (PhD, London: University College, 1962-63)
Riemer, A. P., ‘Shirley’s Revisions and the Date of The Constant Maid’, Review of English Studies, 17/66 (1966), 141-48
Robertson, J., ‘R. K. Zimmer, James Shirley: A Reference Guide’, Durham University Journal, 75/2 (1983), 128-29
Robins, Nicholas, ‘“Thou Flattering World, Farewell!” A Caroline Connoisseur: The Sly Proprieties of James Shirley, Metropolitan Play-Maker’, TLS (11 Oct 1996), 20-21
Robinson, Benedict Scott, ‘Thomas Heywood and the Cultural Politics of Play Collections’, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 42/2 (2002), 361-80. Shirley’s publisher Moseley.
Roeloffs, Karl, James Shirleys Beitrag zur Entwicklung der ‘Comedy of Manners’ (PhD, Bonn: Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, 1959)
Runyan, William Ronald, ‘Shirley’s Sexual Comedy’, Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia – Selected Papers, 7/1 (1982), 8-13
Sabol, A. J., ‘New Documents on Shirley’s Masque The Triumph of Peace’, Music and Letters, 46 (1966), 10-26
Salmon, Vivian, ‘James Shirley and Some Problems of 17th-Century Grammar’, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 97 (1961), 287-96
Sanders, Julie, ‘Beggar’s Commonwealths and the Pre-Civil War Stage: Suckling’s The Goblins, Brome’s A Jovial Crew, and Shirley’s The Sisters’, Modern Language Review, 97/1 (2002), 1-14
Sanders, Julie, ‘Powdered with Golden Rain’: The Myth of Danae in Early Modern Drama’, EMLS, 8/2 (2002), 1.1-23. The Bird in the Cage.
Sanders, Julie, ‘Caroline Salon Culture and Female Agency: The Countess of Carlisle, Henrietta Maria, and Public Theatre’, Theatre Journal, 52/4 (2000), 449-64. The Lady of Pleasure.
Sanders, Julie, Caroline Drama: The Plays of Massinger, Ford, Shirley and Brome (Plymouth: Northcote, 1999)
Sanders, Julie, The Cultural Geography of Early Modern Drama, 1620-1650 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Hyde Park, The Lady of Pleasure, The Sisters, The Triumph of Peace.
Schelling, Felix E., ‘Poems of Shirley Attributed to Carew and Goffe’, Modern Language Notes, 11/5 (1896), 137-39
Schelling, Felix E., Elizabethan Playwrights: A Short History of the English Drama from Mediaeval Times to the Closing of the Theaters in 1642 (New York: Harper, 1925). Some notes on Shirley in the section ‘The Cavalier Dramatists’.
Scherrer, Gerhard J., James Shirley’s Nachruhm (Zurich: Juris, 1951)
Schipper, Jakob, James Shirley: Sein Leben und seine Werke nebst einer Übersetzung seines Dramas ‘The Royal Master’ (Vienna and Leipzig: Braunmüller, 1911)
Scholz, Gottfried, ‘Cupid and Death von Shirley, Locke, Gibbons – Masque oder Oper?’, Musicologica Austriaca, 18 (1999), 295-304
Scott, K. A., ‘‘Ambition and Scarlet Sins’: A Study of the Presentation and Function of the Cardinal in English Plays from 1590-1641’ (PhD, Reading: University of Reading, 1988). Shirley’s prelate in The Cardinal is argued to be based on Archbishop Laud.
Searle, Alison, ‘Conversion in James Shirley’s St Patrick for Ireland (1640)’, in The Turn of the Soul: Representations of Religious Conversion in Early Modern Art and Literature, ed. L. Stelling, H. Hendrix, and T. M. Richardson (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 199-223
Searle, Alison, ‘James Shirley’, The Literary Encyclopedia (2010), <>
Shohet, Lauren, Reading Masques: The English Masque and Public Culture in the Seventeenth Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). The Triumph of Peace.
Slowey, Desmond, The Radicalization of Irish Drama, 1600–1900: The Rise and Fall of Ascendancy Theatre (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2008). St Patrick for Ireland.
Soellner, Rolf, ‘Gerber, Richard. James Shirley, Dramatiker der Dekadenz’, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 52 (1953-54), 260-61
Spinrad, Phoebe S., ‘James Shirley: Decadent or Realist?’, English Language Notes, 25/4 (1988), 24-32
Stadtfeld, Frieder, ‘“Fortune”, “Providence” und “Manners” in James Shirley’s Hyde Park’, Anglia, 93 (1975), 111-39
Stafford, Tony J., ‘Shirley’s The Lady of Pleasure: The Dialectic of Earth and Sky’, Quiddtas [sic]: Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, 4 (1983), 125-34
Steggle, M., ‘Redating A Jovial Crew’, Review of English Studies, 53/211 (2002), 365-72
Stern, Tiffany, Documents of Performance in Early Modern England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Stevens, David, ‘The Staging of Plays at the Salisbury Court Theatre, 1630-1642’, Theatre Journal, 31/4 (1979), 511-25. Changes, The Gentleman of Venice, The Politician.
Stevens, David, ‘The Stagecraft of James Shirley’, Educational Theatre Journal, 29/4 (1977), 493-516. Implications of physical features of Phoenix for Shirley’s plays, with list of props.
Stevenson, Allan H., ‘Bio-Bibliographical Studies in James Shirley’ (PhD, Chicago: University of Chicago, 1950)
Stevenson, Allan H., ‘James Shirley and the Actors at the First Irish Theater’, Modern Philology, 40 (1942), 147-60
Stevenson, Allan H., ‘Shirley’s Dedications and the Date of His Return to England’, Modern Language Notes, 61/2 (1946), 79-83
Stevenson, Allan H., ‘Shirley’s Publishers: The Partnership of Crooke and Cooke’, The Library, 25 (1944), 140-61
Stevenson, Allan H., ‘Shirley’s Years in Ireland’, Review of English Studies, 20/77 (1944), 19-28
Stevenson, Allan H., ‘The Case of the Decapitated Cast or The Night-Walker at Smock Alley’, Shakespeare Quarterly, 6/3 (1955, 275-96. On the partly cut-off cast list in Fletcher’s melodrama in the Folger copy. Tries to reconstruct names.
Stevenson, Kay, ‘Inigo Jones’ “Glory” in Poems by Milton and Shirley’, Milton Quarterly, 13 (1979), 46-47. The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses.
Stiefel, A. L., ‘Die Nachahmung spanischer Komödien in England unter den ersten Stuarts’, Romanische Forschungen, 5 (1890), 193-220
Sullivan, Ernest W., ‘Second-Generation Minor Poets of the Seventeenth Century’, in Seventeenth-Century British Nondramatic Poets, Second Series, ed. M. Thomas Hester, DLB, 126 (1993), 294-97
Sullivan, Garrett, The Drama of Landscape: Land, Property, and Social Relations on the Early Modern Stage (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998). The Sisters.
Sutherland, J., ‘Women Who Wreak Havoc: A New Perspective on Early Modern Drama, 1603-1642’ (PhD, Durham: Durham University, 2004)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, ‘James Shirley’, in The Complete Works, ed. E. Gosse and T. J. Wise, II: Prose Works (London: Heinemann, 1926), section ‘Contemporaries of Shakespeare’, 339-67
Symonds, E. M., ‘The Diary of John Greene (1635-57)’, The English Historical Review, 43/171 (1928), 385-94. Greene, a barrister at Lincoln’s Inn, danced the measures after dinner and saw The Lady of Pleasure at the Cockpit in Nov. 1635 (p. 389). Sadly, he noted nothing about the play.
Tabor, Stephen, ‘ESTC and the Bibliographical Community’, The Library, 7th ser., 8/4 (2007), 367-86. The Triumph of Peace.
Taft, Edmund, ‘Lucow, Ben. James Shirley’, Seventeenth-Century News, 41/4 (1983), 74-75
Tannenbaum, Samuel A., and Dorothy R. Tannenbaum, James Shirley (A Concise Bibliography), Elizabethan Bibliographies 34 (New York: Tannenbaum, 1946)
Tarlinskaja, Marina, Shakespeare and the Versification of English Drama, 1561-1642 (Ashgate, 2014). Shirley’s verse.
Taylor, Aline Mackenzie, ‘James Shirley and “Mr. Vincent Cane”, the Franciscan’, Notes & Queries, 7/1 (1960), 31-33
Tomlinson, Sophie Eliza, ‘Too Theatrical? Female Subjectivity in Caroline and Interregnum Drama’, Women’s Writing, 6/1 (1999), 65-79. Hyde Park.
Tomlinson, Sophie, ‘She That Plays the King: Henrietta Maria and the Threat of the Actress in Caroline Culture’, in The Politics of Tragicomedy: Shakespeare and After, ed. G. McMullan and J. Hope (London: Routledge, 1992), 189-207. The Bird in a Cage.
Tomlinson, Sophie, Women on Stage in Stuart Drama (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005)
Traub, Valerie, ‘The (In)Significance of ‘Lesbian’ Desire in Early Modern England’, in Erotic Politics: Desire on the Renaissance Stage, ed. Susan Zimmerman (New York: Routledge, 1992), 150-69. Some relevance for The Bird in a Cage.
Treglown, Jeremy, ‘Silver Poets of the Seventeenth Century, edited by G. A. E. Parfitt. London: Dent, 1974’, Notes & Queries, 23/12 (1976), 569-70. Review article deplores the collection’s neglect of Shirley.
Treip, Mindele Anne, ‘Comus and the Stuart Masque Connection, 1632-34’, ANQ, 2/3 (1989), 83-89. The Triumph of Peace.
Tricomi, Albert H, Anti-Court Drama in England, 1603-42 (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1989). The Triumph of Peace.
Tricomi, Albert H., ‘Langbaine’s Unidentified Source for Chapman’s Chabot Identified’, Notes & Queries, 23/5-6 (1976), 215-16
Turner, Alberta, ‘Queen Henrietta Maria and the University Poets’, Notes & Queries, 193/13 (1948), 270-72. On birth poem anthologies by university wits (which included Shirley).
Ure, Peter, ‘The “Deformed Mistress” Theme and the Platonic Convention’, Notes & Queries, 193/13 (1948), 269-70. The Duke’s Mistress, Poems.
Veevers, Erica, Images of Love and Religion: Queen Henrietta Maria and Court Entertainments (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989). The Ball, The Lady of Pleasure, The Triumph of Peace.
Venoise, M., ‘James Shirley’, Le Théâtre Elizabéthain, special issue, Cahiers du Sud, 10 (1933), 226-29
Venuti, Lawrence, ‘The Politics of Allusion: The Gentry and Shirley’s The Triumph of Peace’, English Literary Renaissance, 16/1 (1986), 182-205
Walker, Kim, ‘New Prison: Representing the Female Actor in Shirley’s The Bird in a Cage (1633)’, English Literary Renaissance, 21/3 (1991), 385-400
Walker, Kim, ‘Press Variants and Proof Correction in Shirley’s The Dukes’ Mistris (1638)’, Long Room, 31 (1986), 19-33
Walker, Kim, ‘The Printing and Publishing of James Shirley’s The Dukes Mistris (1638)’, The Library, 10/4 (1988), 317-38
Weber, F. Parkes, ‘Mors sceptra ligonibus aequat’, Notes & Queries, s.12-4 (80) (1918), 134. Shirley’s ‘Dirge’.
Wedgewood, C. V., ‘Comedy in the Reign of Charles I’, in Studies in Social History: A Tribute to G. M. Trevelyan, ed. J. H. Plumb (London: Longmans, 1955), 109-37
Werner, Hans, ‘Wallenstein’s Millions: A Misreading of Shirley’s The Example IV.i.213-214’, Notes & Queries, 39/3 (1992), 374-76
Wertheim, Albert, ‘Games and Courtship in James Shirley’s Hyde Park’, Anglia, 90 (1972), 71-91
Wertheim, Albert, ‘James Shirley and the Caroline Masques of Ben Jonson’, Theatre Notebook, 27 (1973), 157-61
Wertheim, Albert, ‘James Shirley’, in The Later Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists: A Survey and Bibliography of Recent Studies in English Renaissance Drama, ed. T. P. Logan and D. Smith (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978), 152-71
Wertheim, Albert, ‘The Dramatic Art of James Shirley’ (PhD, New Haven: Yale University, 1966)
Wertheim, Albert, ‘The Presentation of James Shirley’s St. Patrick for Ireland at the First Irish Playhouse’, Notes & Queries, 14/6 (1967), 212-15
Wertheim, Albert, ‘Zimmer, Ruth K. James Shirley: A Reference Guide’, Literary Research Newsletter, 7/1 (1982), 43-45
West, Philip, ‘Editing James Shirley’s Poems’, Studies in English Literature, 52/1 (2012), 101-16
Whitted, Brent, ‘Street Politics: Charles I and the Inns of Court’s Triumph of Peace’, The Seventeenth Century, 24/1 (2009), 1-25
Williams, Franklin B., ‘Unrecorded University Men’, Notes & Queries, 3/6 (1956), 235-36. Identifies Francis Tuckyr as author of commendatory verse in Shirley’s Poems.
Williams, Justine, ‘The Irish Plays of James Shirley, 1636-1640’ (PhD, Warwick: University of Warwick, 2010)
Wiseman, Susan, ‘Royal or Reformed? The Politics of Court Entertainment in Translation and Performance’, in Drama and Politics in the English Civil War, ed. S. Wiseman (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998), 114-24. The Triumph of Peace, Cupid and Death.
Wolf, William D., ‘Some New Facts and Conclusions about James Shirley: Residence and Religion’, Notes & Queries, 29/2 (1982), 133-34
Wong, Katrine, Music and Gender in English Renaissance Drama (New York: Routledge, 2013). The Duke’s Mistress, St Patrick for Ireland, The Bird in a Cage, The Imposture.
Wood, Anthony à, Athenae Oxonienses, 2 vols (London: for Tho. Bennet, 1691-92). Entry on Shirley in vol. II, col. 260-65.
Yamada, Akihiro, ‘Press-Variants in Early Quartos of Alphonsus, The Ball, Bussy D’Ambois (Q7), Chabot, and Two Wise Men’, in A. Yamada, Secrets of the Printed Page in the Age of Shakespeare (New York: AMS, 2010), App. I, 243-60
Yearling, E. M., ‘James Shirley and His Treatment of Language’ (B. Litt., Oxford: University of Oxford, 1970)
Young, Anthony Davenport, ‘The Political Aspects of James Shirley’s Dramatic Works’ (PhD, Columbia: University of South Carolina, 2003)
Young, Jennifer, ‘Evidence for Identifying the Handwriting of Thomas Cotes, Seventeenth-Century Stationer and Parish Clerk’, Notes & Queries, 61/3 (2014), 357-58. One of Shirley’s publishers.
Zimmer, Ruth K., James Shirley: A Reference Guide (Boston: Hall, 1980)
Zimmer, Ruth Kachel, ‘A Study of the Heroines in the Dramatic Pieces of James Shirley’ (PhD, Lexington: Univ. of Kentucky, 1971)
Zucker, Adam, The Places of Wit in Early Modern English Comedy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2nd edn, 2012). Hyde Park.

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